Wedding Officiant
To have a Christ-Centered Marriage that brings glory to God through the way that we love and the way that we live.
About Reverend D'Jay
- Wedding Officiant for Florida, Alabama and Mississippi and can perform virtual weddings worldwide thru Remote Online Notary (RON).
- Retired United States Navy Veteran. Ordained Minister, Notary Public, Remote Online Notary, and Certified Life Coach.
- Rev D'Jay recognize that your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life and probably one you have dreamed about for many years. He is dedicated to providing a meaningful and memorable ceremony. And he hopes that he will have the opportunity to work with you.
- Short notice, Same day, Rev D'Jay is flexible and mobile. Will travel to your home, venue, or location.
- ALL ceremonies are customized to your wishes, regardless of race, faith, religious status, background, and beliefs.
Request Wedding Officiant
To take the stress of the ceremony out of your hands and help make your wedding day very special for you. Want you to have fond memories that you will cherish for a lifetime by offering a service that is personal, professional and affordable.
Click Here to request Wedding Officiant
To better assist you...
Please CALL FIRST for availability and appointment. Mobile and Remote Services are Available.
- Open Daily: 24/7. (Call First for Availability/Appointment)
- Inquires/Questions via Phone: Available 24 hours.
- 1.850.366.2408 (Local)
- 1.833.FL.Notary (Toll-free)
- 1.833.356.6827 (Toll-free)
- 1.850.607.2735 (Fax)
- 224 East Garden Street, Pensacola FL 32502 (at Carlton Palms)
- Click Here to request Wedding Officiant
Online Wedding
Virtual Wedding Service
Virtual Wedding Service
The world has changed. It is now possible to get married virtually, by using Remote Online Notarization (RON).
How It Works. Getting Ready for Your Virtual Wedding
- Marriage License should be already signed by County Clerk and forward to you via Email.
- Notify Rev D'Jay that Marriage License have been received.
- E-Mail Marriage License to after Rev D'Jay has been notified.
- You may be located anywhere Nationwide to be married.
- Rev D'Jay will reply to coordinate the time and platform of your notarization. Zoom and FaceTime are popular options.
- Plan for the Virtual Wedding session to take about 15 minutes or less.
Remote Notarization
- Before the Virtual Wedding session, you will be asked to provide identification for verification.
- Upon your payment, Rev D'Jay will perform the wedding ceremony, notarize the marriage license, e-mail you a copy of the notarized license, and mailout marriage license to the courthouse to be finalize.
- Make your Virtual Wedding payment via credit card, venmo, or cashapp.
Request Virtual Wedding Service
Join Zoom for Virtual Wedding session.
- Click Here (Meeting ID: 4710693568)
Vows Renewal
Renewal of Wedding Vows
Renewal of Wedding Vows
The Purpose of a Vow Renewal
A marriage vow renewal ceremony, also known as a wedding vow reaffirmation ceremony, is a ceremony where a married couple renews or reaffirms their original marriage vows as a way to celebrate and display their commitment to one another. There are no rules on marriage length, and when you can or shouldn't have a vow renewal, but here are some examples of why you may want to renew:
- For a big wedding anniversary (10th, 25th, 50th).
- Your children are older, and you want them to be a part of your celebration.
- You want to have a larger celebration than the one you were able to have when you got married.
- You have overcome some difficult times in your marriage, are stronger for it, and want to recommit to your love and start over.
- A method to reignite the newness and passion in your marriage.
- A way of saying goodbye to your spouse due to illness.
For whatever the reason, your vow renewal can be a wonderful and meaningful milestone in your marriage.
Click Here for Wedding Vows Renewal/Wedding Officiant
A blessing
Ceremony Template
Religious Wedding - Order of Service
- Processional, Music Starts
- Seating of the Mothers
- Officiant & Groom Enter
- Bridesmaids/Groomsmen Enter
- Flower Girl Enter
- Ring Bearer Enter
- Bride & Escort Enter
- Escort Give Away
- Moment of Silence
- Opening Words
- Opening Prayer
- Sermon/Address the Couple
- Words of Wisdom/Blessing (Guest)
- Exchange of Vows (Couple)
- Declaration of Consent ("I Do's")
- Blessing of the Rings
- Rings Exchange
- Special Ceremony (Sand/Candle/Broom Jump)
- Closing Blessing/Prayer
- Pronounce of Marriage
- The Kiss
- Presentation of the Couple
Notary Wedding - Order of Service (State Requirement). Not recommended if you are planning to have a large gathering for your ceremony.
- Declaration of Consent ("I Do's")
- Rings Exchange
- Pronounce of Marriage/Kiss
Rev D'Jay is dedicated to providing a meaningful and memorable ceremony. His goals while working with you to design your ceremony are that: The ceremony is what you want; the ceremony is dignified, and the Lord is present. Each of these goals are of equal importance.
Commitment Ceremony
Commitment ceremonies are alternative celebrations for couples who are already married, cannot, or do not wish to legally marry.
- Couples who cannot get married by law.
- Couples who don't want to be legally married.
- Couples inconvenienced by getting legally married.
Getting Married in Florida
Here are some of the basic requirements for getting a marriage license in Florida:
- Both parties (spouse 1 and spouse 2) must be age 18 or over and must apply in person at the same time.
- Two forms of identification are required:
(1) A valid photo identification issued by the federal or state government. The photo identification must have the correct legal name, date of birth and signature of the applicant. The following valid proofs of photo identifications are accepted:
— Driver's license (U.S. state or government)
— Passport
— U.S. military identification
— State identification card (U.S. state or government)
— Alien registration card
(2) A second form of identification is required if the applicant has been issued a U.S. Social Security number. In accordance with Florida State Statute, any person who has been issued a Social Security number will need to provide that number. Any person who is not a citizen of the U.S. may provide either a Social Security number or an alien registration number, if one has been issued. If neither has been issued, another form of identification may be required.
- If 16 or 17 years of age, both parents must sign and have notarized a Certificate of Consent for Marriage. If under 16 years a court order must be obtained. The exception is a minor who has been married before, as they are considered an adult.
- No blood tests are required.
- You do not need to be a Florida resident to obtain a marriage license. Marriage licenses can be obtained in any Florida county for use anywhere in the state within 60 days of the date of issue.
- By law, the Family Law Handbook must be read before you get a marriage license.
– – Click HERE to view or download the Family Law Handbook in English
– – Click HERE to view or download the Family Law Handbook in Spanish
- If either applicant has been previously married, the exact date of the last divorce, annulment or death or must be provided.
- The marriage license is good for 60 days from the effective date and can be used anywhere in the State of Florida, however, there is a 3 day waiting period if both parties are Florida residents and have not taken an approved marriage class. (If you are not a Florida resident, there is not a 3 day waiting period.) The cost of the license is generally $86. If the couple has attended an approved marriage counseling class the price is reduced to $61.00.
Pre-Marriage Assessment
Get your marriage off to the great start it deserves. Invest in your relationship and create a love that will stand the test of time.
What does marriage mean to you?
What is your reason for getting married?
- What do you appreciate most about your partner and your relationship?
- Do you think your relationship will change after you are married?
- Are you on the same page about having children?
- How will you handle your relationships with your families?
- What does spirituality mean to you?
- What does sex and intimacy mean for both of you?
- How do you look at spending versus saving?
- How are you going to handle your finances (Together or Separately)?
- How will you resolve future conflicts?
- If you have not lived with your partner before marriage, sharing a home can be surprising. Sometimes it's the seemingly insignificant things that can get under your skin and cause bigger problems than expected.
- While religion and spiritual beliefs may be taboo topics for polite society, they can play a big role in your marriage.
- Money can cause a lot of stress in a family and are one of the leading causes of divorce. You don't necessarily have to agree to everything, and maybe one of you is better at certain aspects of it than others. As a partnership, dealing with your financial future together and understanding short-and long-team goals is a wise more.
- Not every couple wants to have kids, but it's a good idea to keep an open dialogue about it.
- Every family is different, so understanding how your future spouse grew up and their relationship with parents and siblings today will be very helpful. After all, you are marrying into a new family, so it's best to try and understand them.
- No relationship can survive on sex alone, and intimacy is just as important. While you might think you know a lot about your partner's views on either, it's wise to have a serious conversation about it before marriage.
- Communicate clearly and often.
- Tell your spouse that you're thankful for having him or her in your life.
- Make time for you two as a couple.
- Plan for some personal time.
- Understand that it's OK to disagree.
- Build trust.
- Learn to forgive.
Witness Requirement
For the State of Florida, witnesses is not required for marriage; marriage license.
Important Information
- LAST MINUTE or INCLEMENT WEATHER? Indoor venue with no cost can be provided, if venue available at the time of need.
- MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE: One week prior to your wedding date, PLEASE email copy of Marriage License to so your Marriage Certificate can be generated and given at the wedding ceremony. If you requested a Marriage Certificate (Cost $10).
Venues, Photo Gallery, Testimonials, Video

Marriage Certificate, if requested